Saturday, March 28, 2015

Tried and Not True!

I have tried a few new art products in the past week and there are a few that I would never purchase again. I will list the worst and to the best.

1.Viva Sunny Yellow Gloss Gel was really the worst. When I tried to use it and squeeze the squeeze bottle it exploded all over me and my computer.

2. Small trial set of Faber Casttell. The worst of the three was the gel medium. I had to find another Gel Medium to fix what would not glue. I can purchase better and cheaper Gesso elsewhere. I have to say I was surprized by the glaze. It worked so so and was almost too dull on one project and too glossy on another. The end result Im sure it's not worth the price tag.

3. The MOD Podge bubbled every time I tried to use it. It was not as if I did not use enough for that not to happen. It ruined all of my hard work.

4. Those paint brushes and what is the name of them again. They are not "cheap" and supposed to be ergonomic for the hands. All of them have been horrible and I might as well purchase cheap throw away brushes for that price tag.

5. Rangers Refillable Mister! Timmy! OK! Well It works till you get to about a 1/4 too a half an inch in the bottom of the bottle. It has been thee best Mister thus far considering the others that I have tried.I'm still a fan of Lindsey's Stamp Gang. I have not tried the H20 Misters or the Dylusions but I suspect the Dylusions are similar or exact to the Ranger Refillable Mister.

6. The Best was the Claudia Helmuth but at a much higher price tag. This is the Matte but if I find a cheaper solution I will let you know.

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